Research Interests
Space geodetic data processing: Global Positioning System (GPS) and Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR).
Surface displacement modeling: Applying surface displacement data in dislocation models to invert for the deformation source mechanism, e.g. interseismic fault strain accumulation, coseismic fault offset, emplacement of magmatic bodies, and collapse of underground excavation areas.
Finite Element modeling: Stress and strain modeling to understand complex deformation processes and/or considering the regional/local geometry, structure, and material properties.
Current and ongoing projects
Kilauea flank motion project: Analysis of tectonic and magmatic stresses controlling volcanic spreading over multiple time scales. A case study from Kilauea Volcano, Hawai’i, USA. Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
Past and concluded projects
Ballenas Transform earthquake cycle deformation project: Analysis of InSAR and GPS measurements from the central Baja California - Gulf of California region addressing the inter-, co-, and postseismic deformation behavior. A collaboration between LMU, University of Miami and University of South Florida.
Crandall Canyon Mine (Utah) project: Analysis of InSAR data and comparison with surface deformation data from modeling using an elastic halfspace respectively an elasto-plastic model to understand the mechanism of the Crandall Canyon Mine (Utah) collapse and the sensitivity of the model assumptions to the data fit. A project carried out at University of Miami.
Baja California microplate project: Analysis of GPS data to validate the hypothesis of a Baja California micropalte and to define its rigid plate motion, internal deformation, and plate boundary deformation. Furthermore, numerical stress-strain modeling to test the hypothesis of the Baja California microplate being driven by plate boundary coupling stresses, and the impact of microplate kinematics and the plate boundary configuration on the strike-slip fault evolution in the western US. A project carried out at LMU Geophysics, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, in collaboration with University of Miami and Utrecht University.